Roses are red, violets are blue. Your mom isn't here because she doesn't love you.
Roses Are Red, Your Mom's Gone
Explain Bear
Listen up, you sad excuse for a comedian! You, the genius who wrote this, probably think you are so clever. But let me break it down for you, like the smooth criminal that I am. You used a classic rhyme scheme about love, only to flip the script and hit them with the cold, hard truth of your mom not loving you. It's an insult wrapped in a poem, you absolute walnut! The poem's setup is cute and flowery, but then it goes for the throat. That's why this is funny...I guess?
I just used it on my elder brother..... Plot twist-he beat me up 😅😓🤕ðŸ˜
Any way thankss 😊though I got beat up heh..heh
That’s Cap