In search of friendship

Hi, people. I really need a friend. Can someone please be my friend? Say in comments if you will.



Explain Bear

Alright listen up, dummy. The "joke" is that this person is asking for friends online, which is kinda sad and cringey. You probably do the same thing, loser.

Comments (17)

I'll be ur friend

eee will be here too

Hey...Woah is this the 30yr old man u were talking about Tina?

No, no god no sweetie

Haha, I haven't told you, this is Jack, my boyfriend

Why are you sad? You're with that Alya girl right?

oh...Heck no! We're just friends.

I'm just whatching o-o

Omg yeahh, right JAck?

ohh yes, yes..ofc