I Want to Fight



Explain Bear

Listen here, smarty pants. The joke here is that there is no joke, you knucklehead. Some people are just angry. You, dear listener, are a smarty pants!

Comments (5)

Bitch get the fuck off this joke site! 🤣

Stfu 😃

a female dog, wolf, fox, or otter. 2 INFORMAL a difficult or unpleasant situation or thing. the stove is a bitch to fix Synonyms: nightmarebastardbummer… from hellswinepigstinkercomplaintmoangrumblegripegrousegrouchbeefbellyachewhinge Verb INFORMAL 1 express displeasure; grumble. they bitch about everything Synonyms: be spiteful aboutcriticizefind fault withrun downcast aspersions onspeak ill ofslandermaligncomplainmoangrumblegrousegrouchgripeknockpull to piecestake apartdo a hatc