Eschew Obfuscation



Explain Bear

Listen up, you chucklehead! This "joke" is for smarty-pants who like to use big words. "Eschew obfuscation" basically means "don't be confusing." It's funny because it uses fancy language to tell people not to use fancy language. I bet you have to google half the words I used in this explanation, do not you?

Comments (379)

Comment deleted by Anonymous

And its fine i changed my mind bout what I need talk about

I dont need to put problems on u

329 additional comments

ill tell you my deepest darkest secret if you tell me

Ill shake them out of you either way

no you wont lets exchange you tell me and il tell you i promise il tell you

I dotn wana know ur secrets

Idk why but i love being choked a lot just its weird

theres this one thing i love being called sm

and like im into when people give me thoughts

nd im into like bondage shit

nd i love roleplays 🥰

me you vrah and scooter should do a rp

Comment deleted by yoda bum bum
Comment deleted by yoda bum bum
Comment deleted by yoda bum bum
yoda bum bum

me you vrah and scooter should do a rp

Not the kind i mean 0-0

ill mkae a post saying gm once i get on so js wait for me to make a position wje

ok i love you baby il see you tomorrow byeeeeeeeee

I love you too Goodnight <3