Dave's Heartbreaking Knock

Knock knock! Who's there? It's Dave! Dave who? Dave proceeds to break down crying at the realization that his grandmother's Alzheimers has progressed to the point where she no longer remembers him.




This is a dark take on a knock-knock joke. Usually, the 'Dave who' line leads to a silly pun. Instead, it leads to a sad twist where Dave realizes his grandma doesn't remember him due to Alzheimer's.

Comments (15)

You spelled there wrong

i love it (as i realize thats what happend to my grandad)


Sadly enough, this joke brought me joy because it reminded me of the last few months with my grandmother.

I am ur grandfather I should have been here 3 days earlier When u post it Anyways it would round of time as it passes so u dont understand when u posted this

Dude chill if you don't like the jokes then leave the site. That simple.

that was sad but funny