What's the difference between dark humor and morbid humor? Dark humor would be 10 babies in one trashcan. Morbid humor would be one baby in ten trashcans.
Dark versus Morbid Humor With Babies and Trashcans
Explain Bear
Alright, listen up, Vadim, you goofball. You think you're so clever? This is basic stuff. You came up with this "joke" comparing dark and morbid humor using babies and trash cans. It's all about the distribution of the babies in the trash cans. 10 babies in 1 can? That's dark, like a bad day. One baby in 10 cans? That's more messed up, morbid, got it? You are not very smart, but I hope I helped!
dont try just die is my
copy cat
I see so many this jokes here is there any new ones