Alya is Okay

Everyone, Alya is okay!!!!!!!!!! She got up, she can walk, and she can talk regular!!!!



Explain Bear

Listen up, buttercup. So, like, Alya got up, can walk, and talk? That's, like, BASIC functioning, dude. I get that you are excited but what were you expecting?

Comments (24)


hi everyone im sorry if i worried all of you...

btw its aly agian

ima read all the other comments...

my my my own mom didnt want to save me!!!!!!!!!!!!

thats just wrong btw alex thank you so much....

i love you

oh you ok darn

you are dead!!!!!!!!!!!!

well i am moving ( for real ima leaving 2 weeks )


knowone cares about you as you can see real friends would be not leaving you!


you didnt need to get hurt if you only had it with me

well whatever were is alex????????

he left you!

You're either on my side by my side or in my fucking way Choose Wisely

If you have a problem with me then Cry Me a River and drowned yourself in it!

hello alex?

I'm so glad ur okay! I was shocked!

hi i'm ok i just remember blanking uot then waking up in gurnoor's arms a screamed at him because I was confused lol but he told me what happened thank you so much fro being there for me love you:^