Jim and Allyn are 2 mates in the Air Force. They were paired up for a training exercise. They got up into the air and Jim said, "Okay Allyn, your helmet can control the missile when launched from the jet. Go ahead and test fire a missile and aim it at anything you want." Allyn fired the missile and had his eyes set on an abandoned building. Jim then said, "I also forgot, watch out for friendly fire." Allyn said "What?" as he looked over at Jim.
Air Force Missile Mishap
Jim and Allyn are doing a training exercise in the Air Force, and Jim makes a joke on his partner, Allyn, by telling him to aim at a building, then after the missile was launched, he tells him to watch out for friendly fire. It's funny because Jim didn't tell him about the danger before firing the missile.
james bessinas
wow just wow