Lemme just say one thing:
Depression is not funny. 2 of my best friends have it and its actually quite hard to watch them suffer with it. They cry all the time, they get upset all the time, they either have wanted to or still do want to kill themselves. Its really not funny to joke about depression.
Hailey ❁
Caitlyn 🐈🦋
Am I one of those people?
Hailey ❁
Hailey ❁
Hailey ❁
Not sure about u, but it does seem kinda obvious that you could have it. You've been so stressed lately, everythings becoming too much for you. I can tell that you could actually be depressed.
Hailey ❁
*Me forgetting that other people can see this website*
Whoops...... talk on outlook? 😶
Caitlyn 🐈🦋
Caitlyn 🐈🦋
Also, Stfu means... Shut the fuck up ;-;
Hailey ❁
Oh my-
Caitlyn 🐈🦋
Sorry, but no one can talk to you like that!
Hailey ❁
Ye, I guess ur right, as usual xD
Caitlyn 🐈🦋
It’s called dark humor
Hailey ❁
Shut up
Fuck society
Ive got a friend who od'd last week and this Friday she was cutting herself again so true
People with actual depression wouldn’t brag about it on a fucking joke site.
i use it as a coping mechanism :/ but hey, i understand.
for some people, yes.