

Comments (13)

Bet you that one dislike is from the stigg

I was the first to like it why wouldn't I like me?

Nah, the stigg is cool. You are a joke though.

FUCK CANCEL CULTURE! Imagine trying to ruin the Stigg's life just because he told you to kys in a DARK JOKE website. Irrelevant ass hoe! FUCK YOU!

Less than a decade ago people laughed it off now the word is full of fragile f ags such as you. The Stigg is very righteous.

His jokes are actually funny, as opposed to yours.

Does anyone know that the stigg is always telling people to kill themselves

And you all are standing up for that

Thank you! Rusty has a point

Yes we are standing up for it because it's good and because we need to weed out the weak