Little Johnny and the Train Delay

Little Johnny was playing with his train and said, "All you motherf*ckers who want to get off, get off, and all you motherf*ckers who want to get on, get on." His mother hears him and asks, "Is that you cussing?" The mother said, "Go to your room for 1 hour." Little Johnny goes to his room, then comes back one hour later and said, "All you motherf*ckers who wanna get off, get off, and all you motherf*ckers who wanna get on, get on, and if you wanna know about the 1 hour delay, go ask the b*tch in the kitchen."




Little Johnny is playing with his train and uses bad language, like he's a conductor, so his mom sends him to his room. After his timeout, he uses the same language and adds a jab at his mom. The humor is based on the unexpected behavior and the kid's audacity.

Comments (10)

I don't like that because I am a girl and that maed me mad


You got it wrong. He comes back after an hour and his mother asked him if her was ready to play nice. He said yes, of course. He picks up where he left off but on his best behavior this time. "All you nice ladies and gentlemen who want to get on, get on. All you nice ladies and gentlemen who want off, please get off." His mother was pleased. Jonny continued playing. " I thank you for your patience and if you have any complaints about the one hour delay, take it up with the bitch in the kitchen"

punctuation and grammar are our friends

You need to learn punctuation. I had a stroke reading this.

funny.. almost died laughing.