

ok ok buddy buddy buddy aka D......fickenkid, u think u r funny? guess wut ur not racist little bich need to get a life like holy shit stab urself with a knife making racist comments aint gonna get u friends, tell u how is works when ur talking to my friends. u make no fucking orphan jokes nah theyre ass and not funny ur gonna change ur name sunny lets say, ok, no more making racist jokes every one is the same, black and white who to blame? we should love them all. and if ur gonna be rood to ALYA and jkmaster ill hunt u down tell u wut u did. ok u got that thx bro...

Comments (26)

Dude just get off the website ur not changing anything quit yelling at people for joking on a joke site dude just leave people alone and go live ur life

no u dont understand DUDE

frshfry go fuck yourself this shit is funny and you need to calm your titts im an orphan i think these are fucking funny

oh no you didnt fuck you! you cant be mean to my friend and get away with it!

you should not be mean and think your the best your the worst and no one likes you!

your never going to make friends like this!!!!!!!!!!

wait who are u talking to?

randyyyyyy and ur mom not you freshfry lol

ok ok bc i was backing u guys up

btw "ur mom" i am an orphan and i think these are f.. not

read it all then you will understand

wow thanks freshfry and f.. you " ur mom" and randyyyyyy

Hey watersharky? Hi!

Oh my God. Some of you people are some of the most cry baby little bitches I've ever seen. Oh, one more thing: freshfry you really need to go back to elementary and learn a bit more about grammar. You whiney dumbass.

Wow, its chaos here in the comment section.

I think freshfry, ALYA, jk master is just one. Anyways, I agree that u should leave the website and don't read the jokes if you find it offensive. Just saying