

Comments (48)

This is quite possibly the greatest joke ever created by man. This is the fundamental basis on which jokes are found funny. I loled when I saw this. I peed. I peed. I peed so much. I peed on my laptop. I peed. My laptop, it's ruined. I couldn't hold it. I peed.

is this OG mud bone? you should've said this was the OG mud bone. hi OG mud bone. would you like to star in a commercial for erectile dysfunction? contact me through my #. 336-263-1932

What do you call an anorexic with a yeast infection? A quarter pounder with cheese.

I was wrong. We shouldn't deport just Mexicans.

congrats Juice WRLD!!! I'm Patty.

hi Patty, do you want to star in my next music video?

You mean to tell me that I jumped over the wall the big Cheeto in the White House built for this crap? I was an important business man back in my country!! I overstated my visa and now they have me in the same jail cell as 21 Savage.

dude i just heard that Kobe left the NBA, I hope that his life with his family is good. His daughter Gianna will be a great basketball player

Ice Ice Baby

thanks a lot. after reading your shitty joke, my computer attained a trojan virus. I hope to god you burn in Hell, along with the rest of the miserable dwarves you work with.

Kobe’s helicopter did a fade away from half court

Julio, i know you’re in there!!!

Friendly we need to have a talk? And by we, I mean you and ICE.

Hi sisters, this is the best joke of the decade already. Ill be making a 30 min video later today all about this.

Ducky you Mike!! You’re just mad he’s ahead of you in points!

This has gone to complete shit. I will be disbanding this server, as well as the joke above. Thanks for nothing you miserable dwarves.

Star Wars Attack of the Clone is the worst thing to ever happen to his world since Bagpipes

this was almost as funny as the time I thought that my friends were joking when they told me that Kobe died.



William Howard Taft is the Hottest president the US has ever seen

@Me Plinkett, false that would be The Last Jedi. That movie was incredibly bad the 7 year old son started laughing at how bad it was, that was in the first 10 min.

rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape. you will be raped your rapist. rapepepepepepepepepepepepeppepepepep

I laughed had to come back and say that this is the best joke in the world, im sad that i died before i could have seen and used it

This was a very big bruh moment.

Excellent. Top 10 of all the jokes in the world. This gets bizness done.

Dude im gonna live stream my reaction to this joke. this made me lmao. I peed all over my pc and now it's ruined

Highly inappropriate. I pray that all the children in the world never make eye contact with this joke in their life. BTW my last name is not Care, much to your disappointment.

Who's impersonating me? Come forward and hand over your resumé you son of a bitch. dfnoifkn alnfien eknf enf fwefewb

I don't understand this, my nicotine addiction craves for a pod. please give me a pod. hopefully the teachers don't check the bathrooms.

Everybody gangster until Helen Keller hits a three on you.

Dr. Phill here i think that i stayed in the tanning bed too long

shut the fuck up you negger