

johnny was watching TV when you hear them say bitch and bastards so he ask hes dad "what is a bitch and bastard." dad say "a bitch is a female and a bastard is a mail." then johnny goes back to the TV and hears them say ass and shit so he ask hes dad what shit and ass means dad says "a shit is shaving creme like what i'm putting on my face and ass is a coat why don't you bug your mom." so johnny goes back to the TV and then they say fuck so johnny ask his mom what fuck means mom says "fuck means carving like doing to the turkey then a few minutes later Johnny hears a knock on the door so he answers it he then says "welcome bitch and bastard may i tack your ass" the people then ask wear hes parents are johnny says "my dad is putting shit on hes face and my mom i fucking the turkey.

Comments (10)

Seriously... I know it's a joke, and I shouldnt be doing this, but... who the hell wrote this joke a 5 year old... the Grammar is ridiculous.

You only censor fuck, really? Also what is your grammar jesus are you Johnny?

I wrote this joke and I know it sucks but I did right it when i was five

If you want you can repost it with good grammar and I didn’t censor anything it censored it self.

Your name and profile pic is funnier than you joke haha

@Panda stop lying, you was prolly 25 or some shit when you wrote this

DIS WHY 1-8 YEAR OLDS SHOULDN'T WATCH TV ( even though i just let my 3 year old cousin watch kill bill.😅

Awe many, I laughed so hard!