Two Wongs

Why can't two Chinese people have a white baby? Because "two wongs don't make a white."




This is a play on words using the common stereotype of Chinese names and the phrase 'two wrongs don't make a right.' The joke implies that two 'wongs' (a mispronunciation of a common Chinese surname) cannot result in a 'white' baby, which uses the stereotype to make a funny, though perhaps insensitive, punchline.

Comments (13)

too racist buddy too racist

@oof there's a reason why it's called DARK HUMOR

Omg I love this home it literally mad my day thank you

Dude, I'm Asian and I thought this was hilarious.

Ho lee fuk

Holy shit 666 likes but if I take its not gonna be 666 no more welp sry bud dislike although I like this

What do you call a black baby in China.

Sun ting wong...

American Dad did it better

We know, the human-like of "Morbid jokes" and its' mother can make more wongs