

Comments (1000)

Jake ツ

sup Dagger

Hey, King.

he was on earlier I'm pretty sure

˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

I need to talk to him about yk.

“Yk”? 💀

What do you need to talk to Fletcher about?

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Remember my prophecy about young relationships?

They almost always end. Quite abruptly.

At this age, it’s difficult to control and understand emotions.

I’m always here to talk about stuff. I know quite a lot myself about this subject.

Yeah, Dagger's definitely a great person to go to if you need help with anything!

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Comment deleted by Anonymous

Damn, that really is tough.

The only things you can do are talking to him firmly out of it.

Pay no attention if he gets mads. You say what you have to say, and the rest is up to him.

It’s up to him to decide.

If it doesn’t work, tell him you can’t have a drug addict as a boyfriend. He’ll understand immediately that it implies breaking up.

If he does nothing to get better or rejects your help, it’s best to leave him. Take a break.

˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

I dont think hes addicted.

He will be.

*If he doesn’t stop while he still can.

The next time you see him, give him a great big warm hug. See how he reacts. When guys feel loved by their girl, they will forget about everything in life and savour the moment of being appreciated by their girl.

Yea, today i like gave him so much attnetion and like by the timte that class was over i was like idek just i felt like i needed sm attnetion bc it was jsut all there and alot then boom gone.

The quest of winning over the feminine heart is no easy task. That is why when us men do accomplish it, we are overjoyed and cannot get enough of it.

˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

I cant even explain it.

No need. I understand perfectly.

I asekd why he lets me steal his arm and use it as like a pillow 100 times a day and like 45423 hugs and alotta shit like that and he said it makes him happy and he likes it

˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

He just makes me so happy ^^

This must be a mutual feeing between you and him. I know for a fact men have a stronger sense of love for their girl. It’s really special to those who can attain it.

˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗


Yes. A man getting a girl is extremely difficult. Girls will always get men because of things that are too complicated to explain.

˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

I still dont understadn it

I understand it perfectly.

˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

oh, ok 0-0

Not in the bad way, though.

It’s just that when a girl gives a man attention and kindness, that man will utterly radiate with warmth and joy.

˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

I fear i give him to much attention.

There is no such thing. We men can never have too much love from a woman. It’s something we crave.

Jake ツ


The dude probably didn’t like your style of love. He maybe thought it was cringe or too over-the-top. But if you give hugs, compliments and cuddles to your man, it’s perfect.

Oh shoot, I meant to reply to you, Angel.


The dude probably didn’t like your style of love. He maybe thought it was cringe or too over-the-top. But if you give hugs, compliments and cuddles to your man, it’s perfect.

Thats exactly what i do-

˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

Someone broke up with b4 cause i gave em to much attention and was to "Lovey Dovey"


My phone is retarded. 🫤

Maybe don’t follow him around constantly. You probably don’t do that, but just saying.

A man needs some space once in a while.

I cant even, we only talk at end of band sometimes beginning, lunch and 4th hour then after school.

Well, it was really good talking to you, Angel. But I gotta go, unfortunately. As a man, my advice is all facts. I see and understand things that many don’t. I don’t seem like a very observant wise advisor. But I know a lot of stuff about a lot of subjects.

Just ask for advice and you shall receive.


Well, it was really good talking to you, Angel. But I gotta go, unfortunately. As a man, my advice is all facts. I see and understand things that many don’t. I don’t seem like a very observant wise advisor. But I know a lot of stuff about a lot of subjects.

Ok, bye..

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¸¸♬·¯·♪·¯·♫¸¸ 𝓡𝓮𝓡𝓮¸¸♫·¯·♪¸♩·¯·♬¸¸

Can I ask?

Later. I gotta go.

I'm here, feel free to ask whatever

Jake ツ

I'm here, feel free to ask whatever

Jake is also one of the best advisors you could possibly ask for.

Dagger's the true Gigachad King tho

remind me how a trombone is played

Technically, since you're neither sucking it (I think) or stroking it, you wouldn't be jerking it off

a saxophonist, on the other hand, is definitely fingering their instrument

as long as you dont stick your tongue anywhere you're probably good


ok imma go have a snacc

if yall need anything lmk and I'll check in a bit

can't be proportional if there's already a starting amount

equation for the fifth one would be y=64x+180 if you're interested

but I don't think that's what youre doing

slope-intercept form gets easy once you learn it

what grade are you in rn

you'l learn that soon most likely

that's the same as my sister bro

lemme tell you something, pay hella attention in math these next couple years cause it's the foundation for what you do in high school

Jake ツ

lemme tell you something, pay hella attention in math these next couple years cause it's the foundation for what you do in high school


literally used slope-intercept form today no joke

yeah, and I'm down to help wherever I can

*I finished all your homework

ok imma actually go grab that snacc now

Why so skeptical this time?

Beautiful reasoning

Angel have you already talked to him about it

Welp now’s your chance

What have I done :(

Don’t make me tell him

This is a choice you have to make

If given the chance, probably

He’s talking about the name keep going

If I know what youre talking abt

Comment deleted

Angel just keep going it’s alright

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Fletcher you need to do a bit better than “my bad”

Cause I said so that’s why

Just leave, it's not your business to be here

You have less of a reason to be here

Fletcher, it really hurts her to see someone so close to her talking about things of that topic, especially after everything it's done to her and her family.

Toast imma fuckin ban you chill out

on a site with no email verifacation

spelling was probably shit

dude what came over you, you were totally fine earlier today

ok, but don't just harass other people bc you're bored

there's plenty of stuff to do

Jake ツ

ok, but don't just harass other people bc you're bored

you might not

damn idk, do something that interests you

that isn't harassing other

Seth you understand keeping sensitive things more private, right?

you blame yourself too much, really

you don't need to feel so guilty all the time, promise

idk fletcher is always all over the place

probably messaging me on disc or something

pinging me a million times even tho I don't get notifications lol

˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

The fucker said this

Why is his fucking profile Steve Harvey....?

teenage boys are weird

nah he's totally chill with it

he might not fully understand either, but I can help him

and if you don't fully understand, why try to worry about how much it did?

what happened happened, best to learn from it and keep going forward

Evenb though she tried to get him fired 3 times, tried to get him arrested 2 times, has stolen alot and vaped.

well that's good that you didn't do it again

addiction is a powerful thing

damn that's really messed up

I'm really sorry to hear that, Charlie.

I've seen you do incredible things just since I've met you

Nothing. None of this is your fault

You're just unfortunately in a very bad situation.

just because they said so doesn't mean its true

people will blame others for their own faults

I don't see how you could have possibly caused any of this

cause theyre fucking retarded, thats why

I don't care what anyone says about you, you're absolutely amazing

You're one of the most incredible people I've ever met, your resilience and undying love for others is unlike anything I've ever seen

are you exaggerating this at all?

Charlie, I doubt you would ever really do anything like that

You might feel like you did it with the intention of that, but I can assure you you didn't

You're not like that, and I know it

He just found out today that i broke down after it happend cause i felt os bad, adn then i feel like a horrrible person when he brings it up..

Regardless of what happened, I still admire you so much

so what's the sense in worrying about it now?

well then that's good, maybe he'll shut his trap about it

people can't know how you're feeling unless you tell them

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don't let that bitch talk to you like that

Guess who probably failed a math test! That’s right! This guyyy

Charlie, I mean this in the absolute nicest way possible, but there's no sense in getting so worked up over hogwarts houses

Btw I’m a Hufflepuff

Jake ツ

Charlie, I mean this in the absolute nicest way possible, but there's no sense in getting so worked up over hogwarts houses




Angel I feel like you exaggerate and dramatize some things too much. I don't mean that to be rude, but it does seem like that every now and then


Jake ツ

Angel I feel like you exaggerate and dramatize some things too much. I don't mean that to be rude, but it does seem like that every now and then

How so?

*cute anime pose* HAHA! VICTORY!

˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

*Died* ):

smh wade killed his own sister

˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

Just, please

Explain why


I can’t brain today, I have the stupid



The german guy

What is going to be the reason to ban me?

You need a valid reason

Oh shit my weakness..KITTENS

Now I can’t move or else that cat shall wake…*20 minutes later* Dang sleepy cat..

Moderators need a valid reason to ban people. You can't ban me just because you want to. I didn't even do anything.

Comment deleted by The german guy
The german guy

Moderators need a valid reason to ban people. You can't ban me just because you want to. I didn't even do anything.

it was just a threat to get you to leave lmao

Jake ツ

it was just a threat to get you to leave lmao

Do you think I'm stupid?!

Yep! I do that every once in a while whenever I feel like it lol

Currently, I’m a Lego

Yea I change it up a lot for fun

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The current one is less blurry

I don’t think u have anything to worry about lol

˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

Cause i aint loveable

The hell you arent

U guys r great together

Don’t talk about yourself that way, Angel, everyone knows you’re like the most lovable WJE member

Aaaaaaaaaaay those five minutes are up Jakey boi

Remember I said earlier…I’d give u a five minute head start?

Like what conversation

Yeah I don’t remember that lol


I gotta go rn but I’ll probably be back on later

Toast when u making ur glorious Bp return as Mexican gunslinger?


I would be a lot more bold if we weren't in school and surrounded by judgemental people

Mainly some tweens

I'm trying to get him to go to bay city

He wants more snow

I could bike to your house, liams and seths

I would scare the fuck out of Seth and liam

Sometimes I want to aswell

But if we were alone I would be more cuddly and bold

Sounds so fun and comfortable

I can imagine us in a room lit up by the tv and we cuddle as the rain patters on the window

I bet you would look even cuter when you blush ^^

You should flirt back

You look like a flirty person

Your thighs are pillow material

I never loved anyone this much before <3



Not you


I never loved anyone this much before <3

Since your here, can you tell me who runs heaven?

˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

Since your here, can you tell me who runs heaven?



˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

Fletcher, can u do me a favor?


˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

Tell her i said she muct be an artist causeshe made suck a masterpiece

But fr tell her this

I can be a little shit sometimes

She says that a lot when I do stupid shit or random shit in general

Ye can u go on the doc real quick?

Comment deleted by fleperd
Comment deleted by fleperd
˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

I bet you cant make me blush 20 times ina hour

I'm going for company record

Whos my good girl :)

Comment deleted by fleperd

I'm very very charismatic

Youre so fucking hot

Your thighs are soft

WHEN YOU DID THAT 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋

Guys, i GYATT something in my eye

Ph jeepers, you sound tough

Cause you're thinking about me squeezing your thighs

Toast ツ

Ph jeepers, you sound tough

Dude, just fucking leave

don't talk about my GYAT damn thighs

No one wants you here

I want to use your thighs as a pillow :)

9 is pretty close to 20 dontcha think

Charisma means I have an easy time smooth talking my way into anything

Cause I gave you a reason

Imagine me kissing you on the neck seductively

While I rub your thighs softly and kiss you ^^

Then I choke you seductively

I tug on your hair

Get under a blanket

Than me and you cuddle under the covers

You know what I meant;)

Ill get a ring for you

We won't be officially married but we ca always say we will get married <3

8 is above 5 so let's round it up to 40 ;)

Just the two of us~

We can make it if we try

Ive been waiting to release to that song for so long

I surpassed your expectations

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