

Comments (280)

I'm half way through doing the squirrel :O

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caan i ask u somethiong

My ass hurts from sitting on the dang floor.

whats as light as a feather but the strongest person cant hold me for five minutees< what am i

You'd die then.

i shave everyday but my hair stays the same<how?

btw guy im back

Welcome back.

Someone operating a snow cone stand

I SHAVE EVERYDAY but my hair stays the same, hoow

Who doesn’t like haircuts

Thank you Anons

No worries.

You walk into a room that contains a match, a kerosene lamp, a candle and a fireplace. What would you light first?

i dont like haircuts bc like if u get ur hair washed it can get ur t - shirt wet and it annoys the fuck out of me

Calm down girl. xD

and yes its the mmatch

A man dies of old age on his 25 birthday. How is this possible?

His species has a short lifespan

Because his friend suffocated him in his cake?

Don't ask.

Ooh leap year that’s good

You okay C A S N O VA?

heres the ridddle again A man dies of old age on his 25 birthday. How is this possible?

His birthday has to be on leap day that’s the only way

anyone meet me in my recent post and ask me anything :)

Birthday every 4 years

You can't breath water.

Lol, Cas her nick name now?

The more of this there is, the less you see. What is it?

Ig it’s easy to type lol

The more of this there is, the less you see. What is it?

Water is a lakeward, air is a gass. Different.

think of a nick name for me i wanna know-

lick ward*



e: David’s parents have three sons: Snap, Crackle, and what’s the name of the third son?

No thanks.

Chloe’s easy to say, hard to think of a nickname

My nick name came to me, lol.

im dying of laughter rn

In chemistry this year so I probably could

Comment deleted by Hailey ❁

dear lord-

What gets bigger when more is taken away?

What gets bigger when more is taken away?

I feel like I know this


Say 1 if your crush is here, say 2 if your crush is not here. Just wanted to know.

Freaking love me some chlorine

Dude Cas is as good at riddles as me

What has words, but never speaks?

Anyone feel brave to say their crushes name?

I’ve already said one of mine, a past crush

What runs all around a backyard, yet never moves?

lol i dont evne have a crush

Anyone else?

the awnser is my crush


itss a fence but iits not my crush

I turn polar bears white and I will make you cry. I make guys have to pee and girls comb their hair. I make celebrities look stupid and normal people look like celebrities. what am I?

Right, cya

I’ve heard this before, gotta think of the answer tho

I have to pack up for the end of the day anyways.

What time is it when an elephant sits on a fence?

Goodbye y'all.

oh cya guys but keep gguesssing

That’s probably the answer

Usually that’s how you’d find an answer to a riddle

anywas g' night yall! i gotta big morning :> so ttyl!!

plus my back hurts like hell and it will prob be nice to lay down

Goodnight, hope everything goes well tomorrow!!!

Night guys.

Oh I’m not going to bed yet, nah sleep is for losers I’m an insomniac. I was saying gn to Cas

Oh, mk then.

You do relize you could die from no sleep? Or little sleep

Good thing I sleep.

I try to sleep, I used to be able to run on like 2 hours with no complications, but now I get pretty tired easily but still stay up cause I’m always thinking about crap

Usually the easiest way for me to fall asleep is if I’m watching a movie or listening to music, so maybe it’s a sensory thing.

Maybe, it's good that you do get some sleep at least.

sleep is good for you

Steve, the more you ask the more people with get fucking annoyed at you and will NOT follow you.

Ayo she has a point, and hello Mase.

Holy crap, what happened here?

Wassup Jake?

Just sitting in class on my laptop, and I'm not bad. And yes, my friend hit Liam with the pizza. Lets say he got mad.

Their staring each other down.

holy crap somebody asked for comments and damn they almost got 300