"Alexa, open Kahoot!"
I'm not a robot, but orphans are.
U die from robot bite.
Who eats sleeping? A robot.
We all know Steven can’t post on here because he can’t pass the robot test.
The other day a squirrel asked me for a job. I asked him, "What jobs did you have previously?"
Calmly he answered, "I am a pilot. I can pick it up from here and pile it over there. I also can fly a sign!"
"Too bad, this is a nut cannery, and we're 100% automated. We don't need anyone at this time, sorry."
"No worries, I'm totally nuts anyway. Guess I'll fly a sign across town, don't have bus fare!"
What happens when a computer thinks it knows better than a human?
Ask Boeing.
What does a robot do after a one night stand? He nuts n bolts