I lit my girlfriend on fire. I guess you could say I ignited her fire.
Why do most guns in America have an average mag/clip size of only 30? Because that's the average class size in America.
Why doesn't Elon Musk like Taco Bell? It gives him gas.
I threw a lamp at the depressed kid. I was just trying to brighten up his day.
What's still together after all the sh*t they've been through? Your butt cheeks.
Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants? In case he gets a hole in one.
Why is 6 scared of 7? 7 ate 9 and 10!
What has 30 legs but can't swim? A bus full of children!
What's the hardest part about making vegetable stew? Trying to get the wheelchair to fit into the pot.
What's the difference between a human and a potato? There is none you can eat both.