I taped a picture of Bill Cosby to my gun, now it’s an assault rifle
Shower thoughts
My cousin really loves baseball.
He always brags about how many home runs he hit in the minors.
What’s the best part about fucking a dead bitch? You don’t need consent
What do Boy Scouts and IG models have in common?
They both be fucking sugar daddies.
My wife said she wanted steam vegetables with her steak so I put her father in the hot tub
What does the long distance call and a Black person have in common?
They both don’t work.
Why do people hate abortion jokes?
It leaves you with an empty feeling inside.
The first time riding my bike was a lot like my first time having sex It was hot. I was sweaty, but my sister had her hands on my shoulders is all the time.
The first time riding my bike was a lot like my first time having sex.
It was hot. I was sweaty, but my sister had her hands on my shoulders all the time.
What's black and eats Kitty?
Serval cancer.
My lesbian neighbors gave me a Rolex, guess they misunderstood when I said I wanted to watch
What do orphans and garbage have in common?
They’re both in the street, and no one wants to pick them up.
What is the difference between a broom and a mop?
It’s hard to beat my girlfriend when she’s holding the mop.
What is the worst part about making an Asian girl squirt?
She charges you for extra sauce!
How did Rihanna find out Chris Brown was cheating on her?
She found another woman’s lipstick on his knuckles.
What’s the difference between the way you watch porn and I watch porn?
The windows we look through.
Bill Clinton and Joe Biden are on a sinking ship Joe Biden says we need to save the women and children. Bill Clinton says screw the women and children Joe Biden says do we have that much time?
I don’t know if Jesus was black or white, but I know he for sure wasn’t Asian because people wouldn’t ask him to take the wheel.
Why can’t you take a Black Asian guy golfing? Because he can’t drive and can’t find his own balls.
A Thai woman ran into a wall. What does she break?
Her boner.