What does a gynecologist and delivery driver have in common?
Whenever they’re hungry, they can just scrape a little cheese off the top of the box.
What does a gynecologist and delivery driver have in common?
Whenever they’re hungry, they can just scrape a little cheese off the top of the box.
What comes after 69 Period
What did the man say in the morning after beating up his wife? I woke up Chris breezy
Id tell a bad baby joke, but I decided to abort
What do you call a gay drive-by?
A fruit roll up.
What song do supportive parents of a closeted child love?
“The Son Will Come Out Tomorrow.”
What type of tea does the Social Justice Warrior avoid? Reality.
What’s the difference between a crossdresser and a trans person? About 3 years
What’s the difference between a gun and liberals? Guns only have one trigger
Being the first to move in chess.
It’s a white privilege.
if at first you don't succeed - blame it on the patriarchy
What does a paleontologist and woke people have in common? They both enjoy digging up the past
Unfortunately, NASCAR has been canceled.
The woke people heard that it was a human traffic ring.
What’s Forrest Gump’s password? 1forrest1.
Why cant orphans be gay? They don't have a closet to come out of.
Straight people ask why gays have such a good fashion sense. They have to come out of the closet sometime
Straight people ask why gays have such a good fashion sense.
They have to come out of the closet sometime.
How do you make a lesbian upset?
Give her a multiplication test.
How do you break up a fight between two gay men Say can you get straight to the point
Why should you never make height jokes about dwarfs?
It goes right over their head.