like if u hate going to school
shaylie lol
best way to do it
My brother when he sees a girl.
M to de B, m to de B = master bate.
Lostin Flowers14 days ago What are the four letters you don’t want to hear from a dentist?
i can make a word with those \DICK
what do u call a mexican door
You're so ugly that when you came out of the haunted house, you had a job offer.
Mirrors don't lie, and lucky for you, they don't laugh.
If laughter is the best medicine, your face must be curing the world.
You're so fat that when you got on the scales, they said, "I need your weight, not your phone number!"
I’ll never forget the first time we met. But I’ll keep trying.
Light travels faster than sound, which is why you seemed bright until you spoke.
like if u dont have a dad
My cousin called me ugly.
Well, I'm pretty sure 90% of her looks could be wiped away with a Kleenex.
the stigg is a joke
When a stranger keeps telling kids to kill themselves AKA the Stigg.
The Stiggs life is a joke. Wait, I forgot, he doesn't have a life.