Chuck Glisson

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How do you know when Helen Keller is home? Answer; When you hear somebody falling down the stairs!

Question; Why did Donald Trump convert to Judaism? Answer; Because he heard that Vladimir Putin likes to drink vodka with "Orange Jews"!

Why was Helen Keller truly an inspiration?

Answer; She learned how to read and write despite being from Alabama!

Why does the wind always blow from the "West" in Washington State?

Answer; Because IDAHO SUCKS!

Why couldn't Jesus have been born in Florida?

Answer; They wouldn't be able to find "Three Wise Men", or a VIRGIN!

What is the definition of "Endless Love"? Answer; Helen Keller and Stevie Wonder playing "Tennis"!

Why are "Redneck" murder cases the HARDEST to solve? Answer; Because ALL the DNA "Matches", and there are NO "Dental Records".