
Stereotype Memes

Just came up with a smart new way to make jokes. Try to figure it out without context

A screenshot of a website called "" with a wheel. The sections of the wheel contain: priest, prostitute, autistic, racist, transphobic, porn, woman, and shooting. To the right of the wheel there is a list with the same words. The text on top of the wheel says "The world stands with Ukraine". The website offers a feature to spin the wheel from within Discord.

(The picture has nth to do with this) Explain bear, I am just wasting my time talking to you, but your weak insults that sound like they came from Great Britain from the 1800’s, (no offense to brits) and you are just an AI and can’t get a life lol

A drawing of a white rabbit with sunglasses on, with text that says 'sigma sigma boy rabbit', also music notes are drawn over the rabbit's head.