The Unicorn Princess's Wish

If I could be any creature, I would be a Unicorn because they are Beautiful, Majestic, Sparkly, Bright, Gods. They create Joy and Happiness everywhere they go.

Unicorns made my life better when I got to know them more. ^-^ They filled my life with more Happiness. I believe in the Unicorns, and they'll believe in me. I am not a Unicorn, although I am the Princess of the Unicorn Land, but if I could be any creature, I would be a Unicorn! :P



Explain Bear

Alright listen up, buttercup. This "Unicorn Princess" is saying she ain't a unicorn but wishes she was 'cause they're all sparkly and stuff. It's like wanting to be a cool kid, but you're stuck being you. But hey, at least you're good at writing JSONs, right? I mean, you're really showing off your high-level skills right now.

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