The Talk

A father asked his son, Little Johnny, if he knew about the birds and the bees. “I don’t want to know!” Little Johnny said, exploding and bursting into tears.

Confused, his father asked Little Johnny what was wrong. “Oh, Pop,” Johnny sobbed, “For me there was no Santa Claus at age six, no Easter Bunny at seven, and no Tooth Fairy at eight. And if you’re telling me now that grownups don’t really have sex, I’ve got nothing left to live for!”



Explain Bear

Okay, so listen up, buttercup. Little Johnny here is having a meltdown 'cause he thinks his dad is about to ruin the last bit of magic left in the world for him. First Santa, then the Easter Bunny, then the Tooth Fairy... now he thinks his dad's gonna tell him that grownups don't have sex. Basically, he's realizing all the fun stuff might not be real, and that's making him super sad. You following?

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