Jokes are non-funny

Hi guys! In my opinion, I think your jokes are non-funny! Can you make more sense!

Btw, who writes jokes about orphans? Thanks for understanding!



Explain Bear

Listen up, buttercup. This ain't a joke. It's a kiddo, probably still trading Pokemon cards, saying the jokes are bad and questioning why anyone would joke about orphans. You see, some folks ain't got the brains they were born with, just like you right now.

Comments (33)

Do u like complaining about things that borthers u? cause ur already strating 2 b a paing in the ass

You wrote addison barks not banks! so she barks like a bitch! HAHA! HA

Dude just stop! She makes a good point btw tho

Will addison u are good at speaking up but Idt posting this is a good way for the jokes to make more sense! :) But ur super smart for an 8 year old

Addison if u dont like the stupid joke site then why are u in it? ur just causing more bullshit! ur just like that bitch face gwen! But even worst! Idc if ur 8! just get off the site u bitch!

What did I ever do?

Ugh shut up fucker

Berina u could have stayed of my complain! Ajsyk calling a kid cuss words is a evil thing too do! 1. their feelings are hurt badly! 2. Its just wrong! 3. Not nice! So with all do respect and I got this from my mom and dad "Fuk off"

No way I'm that too! My name is Zreina Jakeonson and I have an older sister name Zina! What is ur favorite subject if I may ask?

I am 6 in a half years old! I use too bully gwen! I go by the name zre

Thanks but now were friends!

ok I know I made a joke about orphans.It is my humor but if you dont like it get off this site.I know its mean but leave if you dont like it, we like dark humor.If you dont you are in the wrong place hunny.

why are guys always mean to gwen stop it she is always right you just don't want to edmit it!

Listen here Miss thang, I agree with her but I have a point too.If yall dont like our humor...THEN LEAVE.Boom >:]

All I side is why are u writting fucking jokes about orphans when the hell did I say complain I just wonderd why did u jackasses even listen to what I just said no your dumb asses are to focuse on the orphan part! I love orphans but just leave them be and listen to what I sad! btw hunny is not a fucking word its honey! btw I am wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy smarter than u!

whoa addison calm down!

FUCK U ZoroFrom1Piece WAS I EVEN TALKING 2 U!!!!!!!!!!! ANSWER THAT WHEN U WANT TO START MORE BULL SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! btw ur talking to an 8 year old who is already in 4rth grade!

Will that might it excplain why u spelled all ur words correct!

I am fucking 13 bitch try me.WE LIKE DARK HUMOR.I dont give a fuck bout your grade.I love orphans thats why I want to adopt.To help the kids who dont feel loved, WHY!? Cuz I feel un loved too.I like this humor, we like it so fucking LEAVE.Baka!!!!