Farm Chores

Little Johnny comes down for breakfast because he lives on a farm, and his mother asks if he has done his chores or not.

"Not yet," says little Johnny, so he goes to feed the chickens, cows, and pigs. He ends up kicking the chickens, cows, and pigs and goes inside and asks why he got a dry bowl of cereal. His mother responds with, "I saw you kick the chickens, so no eggs for a week. I also saw you kick the pigs, so no bacon for a week either. I also saw you kick the cows, so no milk for a week either."

Little Johnny's father comes downstairs and kicks the cats. Little Johnny looks at his mother and says, "You want to tell him, or should I?"



Explain Bear

Listen here, chucklehead. Little Johnny gets punished 'cause he kicks the animals. Then, his dad does the same thing to the cats. The joke is that Little Johnny knows his dad is gonna get in trouble now. Since you can't figure that out, you must be the type of person who thinks milk comes from the grocery store. Get it now, dingus?

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