One time, little Johnny was watching TikTok, and he saw a toy that he wanted so badly, so he cleaned up the whole house and did his homework. When he was done, he saw a spill on the table. He went to the sink to grab a cloth, but when he came back, it was gone. He went to his mom's room and saw a drink with the label "daddy's drink," so he drunk it and said, "It's daddy's; he won't mind," and all day he was like the Flash. So he went back, turned the bottle around, and it said "Speedy," and then he said, "Oh, great heavens!"
Daddy's Drink
Explain Bear
Alright, listen up buttercup. Little Johnny thinks he's all slick, chugging his dad's 'special' drink. Turns out, it wasn't just daddy's juice; it was something that made him zoom like the Flash, and he didn't know what it was until it was too late. You probabaly would do the same because you're kind of a dummy.