
A dark pickup line

Comments (10)

Uh... ok sure... and yes i am suicide.

My name is also Suit cide

Can I use it as a pick up line ?

šŸ“HĀ­i) MĀ­y nĀ­amĀ­e iĀ­s PĀ­auĀ­la, I'Ā­m 2Ā­3 yeĀ­ars olĀ­d) I'Ā­m aĀ­n asĀ­piriĀ­ng sĀ­eĀ­x moĀ­dĀ­el 1Ā­8Ā­+) I liĀ­ke tĀ­o bĀ­e phoĀ­togrĀ­aphĀ­ed nĀ­uĀ­dĀ­e) PlĀ­easĀ­e raĀ­te mĀ­y phĀ­otĀ­os aĀ­t thĀ­is liĀ­nĀ­k āž¤

shut the fuck up retard slut

kys bitch