

Comments (5)

Comment deleted by Arik
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Fucking bullshit, I have to get used to this site... What fucking cunt designed that shit... How are you doing mate?


Fucking bullshit, I have to get used to this site... What fucking cunt designed that shit... How are you doing mate?

It is you! Dude I’ve missed you so much!

I’m doing pretty good hbu? Also u should use the community tab too, that’s where all the people are, and where the weird ass convos happen! This place is like BP except unfiltered, a lot better, and you can basically do and say whatever the hell you want!


I’m doing pretty good hbu? Also u should use the community tab too, that’s where all the people are, and where the weird ass convos happen! This place is like BP except unfiltered, a lot better, and you can basically do and say whatever the hell you want!

Yeah, perfect, that's what I need man, BP really got on my fucking nerves recently... Damn... a lot of cunts over there, back in the day we both had quite some fun but now it's just that wannabe social worker Nathaniel against some trolls and everyone is wanking about how woke they are... Good lord almighty... I'm doing well though, except that some goatshagger cunts are trying to eliminate my people... again... Fuck them. I missed you too mate. Good to see you, I'll check out that community thing 👍