

Comments (36)

Yo mama so fat that when she wore her yellow sweater, people thought she was the sun.

Yo mama so fat that when she wore her green t-shirt, people thought she was the Incredible Hulk.

Yo mama so fat that when she wore her blue jacket, people thought the sky was falling.

Yo mama so fat that when she wore her pink sweater, people thought she was bubblegum.

Yo mama so fat that when she gets in the elevator, she has to go down.

16 additional comments

Yo mama so mean that your bath toys were an iron and a toaster.

Yo mama so poor that when I asked her what was for dinner, she put her shoelaces in the pot and said "Spaghetti."

Yo mama so short that she leaves for work under the door.

Yo mama so skinny that at the strip club, people used her as the stripping pole.

Yo mama so strict that she put Godzilla and King Kong in timeout for fighting.

Yo mama so strong that every time she hugs her friends she lifts them.

Yo mama so stupid that she bought tickets to XBox Live.

Yo mama so ugly that she had to do Picture Day facing the wall.

Yo mama so old that her birth year has only 1 digit.