yo by your phrasing its clear your obviously not autistic, and as someone who is autistic i find this very offensive. austistic people are aloud to make jokes because we are taking the piss out of our selves if you r autistic i opoligise but i thought that this had to be said yours sincerely anonymous autistic authority
I'd like to state that people with autism , such as myself are actually proven to be smarter than average . Before you comment that WE are the idiots , please remember that you forgot to add a period and a comma in that sentence . Get a life !!!
theres this kid thats gay and autistic and even he got rejected and i was there laughing my ass off because it was funny its messed up but i couldnt help myself
yo by your phrasing its clear your obviously not autistic, and as someone who is autistic i find this very offensive. austistic people are aloud to make jokes because we are taking the piss out of our selves if you r autistic i opoligise but i thought that this had to be said yours sincerely anonymous autistic authority
I'd like to state that people with autism , such as myself are actually proven to be smarter than average . Before you comment that WE are the idiots , please remember that you forgot to add a period and a comma in that sentence . Get a life !!!
cap, all autists are retards
Imagine being an allistic idiot.
Allistic is crazy
United kingdom
Im autustic hang yourself off a cliff.
theres this kid thats gay and autistic and even he got rejected and i was there laughing my ass off because it was funny its messed up but i couldnt help myself