

Comments (160)

I mean she said something stupid but I don't remember All I remember was she said she wasn't going to stop calling my name till I answer her so I just it was like little stuff it was like I don't remember but I try not to talk to her

I know but I'm always used to responding to people when somebody calls my name like 100,000 times

I'm really not trying to talk to her I really don't like her

Especially cuz she's spreading pictures and rumors about you

No I'm going to not talk to her That's what you want so I'm not going to do it

Is there anything I can help you with gorgeous

I would I would make that happen I would f****** anything

I mean I can show you instead of telling you

I would tail you and choke you and eat you out and titty fuck you and ya

I would duck tape your mouth and keep on going

That's a question for you what would you do if I made noise

Every time you bite my dick it's every minute I keep choking you

I mean obviously to get a break but yeah

And after all that then I could call you my pookie

I can only imagine what that would feel like

I won't I'm going to write it on a piece of paper Just so at the end of the day I'll remember I have a terrible memory

Got to go I'm hanging with my friends for a little bit sorry love you

Yeah but I can take it off just so she's happy so I can go

If you can't go there I don't want to go

But not everyone does that around you everybody's always pretty nice cuz I've been there a lot

Actually I'll stay here for a little bit longer

No because then we can't go to the park together