

If you see a woman get raped, don't bother helping, after all they are iNdePendEnt and need no man.

Cheer on the rapist if you want

Comments (9)

Not bad, and not a joke. Objectively factual. KYS, CommenterAnonymous1.

no bitches?

A lot of the jokes on this site take the r***** perspective. They are telling the joke from the perspective of the r*****. And they seem to take an anti woman perspective. Even the joke about the woman who raped the man.

This joke is one of the most disturbing ones I've seen. It seems to take an anti woman perspective and almost a pro r***** perspective. And there's also a user who calls himself killer of women. That's also very disturbing, too.

If women don't need no man, that includes that they don't need rapists

I have CommenterAnonymous1's IP address.

Have you heard about the guys who tried to stop a woman being raped? They had their skulls smashed in.