

Comments (14)

You're right Lariah, well, rape is never funny or a joke. But I see that you were in the lead. People think rape is a joke, but it isn't! When people get it right?

No rape is fun as of yet, even if it's a little girl or someone's daughter. Well, if it's a girl, it's super fun, but if it's someone's daughter, it's otherworldly fun!

kris you are a crazy person! So, are your a crazy person! ur also a child molestor.

Also gwen ur right! How old are u btw?

Kris ur a pedo

I dunno, I mean sure SHE wasn't laughing, I thought the look on her face was hilarious !! 😂

Lariah's punchline is almost as soft as a rapist's penis when the girl says yes.


How bout bout son or little brother?

Rape is always funny. I laugh when im raping my 6 year old sister !

That makes it funnier