
To Tina: hi Love, your my oldest, and dearest friend. I will love you for as long as I live: I luvv you so much, my sweetest dearest darling.


Comments (54)


I will luv you forever and that will never EVER change and sharkey can piss off that ugly idiot

I love you more :D I agree he can piss off he's jelous he doesn't have anyone that damn child.

really im a idiot. WAIT how do u now what i look like when i dont now even who u are and btw i look something like one of Larray's friends hes on tik tok and Youtube.

Who cares? Go away,

You act like a child cause' you are.

Hey friends, please do not fight :D Everyone be happy!

Shush please Anna, best regards though

34 additional comments

Jane here

Haley-here number 2 Haley not daang Haley :)

And Bruh-here

Daang Haley number 1 Here

Okay its nice we have the almost whole gang here

Just missing...Jack, Tina, Mr Nice guy, and Helley