Scared Walk Home

So, a guy is walking with a young boy into the woods.

Boy: "Hey mister, it's getting dark out and I'm scared!"

Man: "How do you think I feel? I have to walk back alone!"




The humor comes from the man's selfish and unexpected response to the boy's fear. Instead of comforting the child, he reveals his own fear of being alone, which is a dark and comedic twist on the typical adult-child dynamic.

Comments (32)

I don't get it help

The guy is going to kill him then shit

The kid said afterwards F***

run sweetie!

Omg it took me a second...


That is messed up

creepy as shit

oh wow XD lol ima use dis thank you XD

Used to love this joke.... until last summer

XP this is hilarious but what is even more funny is the comments

Read it again if you don’t get it

this dude hahaha

The kid's last words "Oh shit! Don't eat me sir! Please, please, please!"

From Google

What they forgot to mention was that it was a woman, not a man, and his last words to me were 'huh?'

I get it...not funny though...

Yeah you seem totally normal.......