
Yo mom so far that when she walk outside at 8am, it became Mid Night all over again.


Comments (14)

Yo mama so clumsy that she tripped over a wireless controller.

Yo mama so cold that when I hugged her I got frostbite.

Yo mama so hairy that she braided her eyebrows.

Yo mama so hot that every time she hugs you you get burned.

Yo mama so lazy that she has a stay at home job and still is late to work.

Yo mama so loud that every time she screams it can be heard from everywhere.

Yo mama so poor that she uses Cheerios for earrings.

Yo mama so chatty that she gave an epilogue at her own funeral.

Yo mama so hot that every time she gets in the water it turns into lava.

Yo mama so lazy that she didn’t give birth to you until you were 17.

Yo mama so poor that she waves around a popsicle and calls it air conditioning.