Fire Department

Fire Department Jokes

One day there was a frantic call at the fire department:

"Help me, help me! There is a cat meowing nearby. It is going to hurt me, it's going to kill me, can you help me, and send the fire squad right away?"

"Take it easy, cats donโ€™t hurt us, just relax and wait until he leaves."

"You donโ€™t understand it is going to bite me, it is going to kill me, it is going to be fatal!"

"Cats arenโ€™t venomous or in any other way dangerous, now who is calling?"

"Iโ€™m Indy's parrot you twit! Now help me! Please help, please help!"

Me sees crazy man hit a old poor person me dials 911 police:what is that location me:idk where is dis location police:mission failed we will try again later me:wth police:ends call me:calls hospital hospital:what is that location me:idk where is dis location hospital:mission failed we will try again later me:WTH IS HAPPENDS EVERY TIME NOW EVERYTHING IS ON FIRE hospital:hangs up me:calls fire dEpArTmEnT fire:no fire dEpArTmEnT:what is that location me:hangs up and give up and goes home