

12 people online

I LOVE YOU SAH I LOVE YOU AMY I LOVE YOU MALL I LOVE YU MADI I LOVE YOU JAS WADE I H8 U HALF THE TIME BUT UR CHILL TOAST IM PROUD OF YOU SAH IM PROUD OF YOU Amy I'm proud of you for watching everyone have what you want and trying your best to be happy, I'm proud of you for still being here, I'm proud of you for still surviving, I'm proud of you for waking up every morning, I'm proud of you for every meal you eat, I'm proud of you for not giving up. <3

Guys hear me out, I know this sounds super gay and weird, but what if we did sort of a giant RP adventure thing with everyone on WJE? Sort of like a game of D&D, except not for lame nerds (no offense) and with the wild insanity/humor of WJE?