

update on mr creep (mr. c)

he continues to make me uncomfortable. i have shown signs of feeling like he needs to go away, but he doesn't seem to take a hint. plus when i ask him for help w my work he crouches down on both knees right next to me, so close that when i turn i am afraid that i will be met with him and his pedo face. I do lean away, but he doesn't take the hint.

ofc, my math teacher will say that this is bullcrap. i did report him to one of my teachers, so lets see how that goes.

What do you think?

mr creep is a pedo
50 %
mr creep is NOT a pedo
50 %
8 votes Β· Final results

Comments (10)

prob no pedo, but if ur uncomfortable, ask to switch teachers, or ask him to stop, if u havent talked to him abt that yet, you have no right to complain

Take this wattpad bullshit back to Reddit


Take this wattpad bullshit back to Reddit
