

Guys is my teacher a pedophile?

So he isn't exactly a teacher, he is more or so an apprentice to my maths teacher. Let's call him Mr. C. Mr. C comes to my math classes on Tuesdays. I sometimes sit by myself in math class, because I want to be fully focused in my work. So Mr. C sees that I am by myself, and sits next to me. We have a casual conversation, and it went fine.

The next week was another casual conversation. It was fine as well. It continued for a while, till last week.

Mr. C was sitting next to me as usual. He has taken an interest in me, I try to convince myself that it is a normal one, but something inside of me says that he is too interested. For cultural reasons, I have to tie a rope around my hand, and he asked about it. He thought I was Buddhist, but I said I wasn't. Then, he asked me if my name was the original pronounciation. I said that it was the 'whitewashed' one, and he says this: 'It makes me sad that you use your whitewashed pronounciation.' Along with that, he explained meanings about parts of my name, blah blah blah, until my real math teacher started to explain something.

Mr. C was sitting next to me the whole time, and I was paying attention to the teacher, while taking notes.

Then, when he left us to work. Mr. C was still there, next to me, without attending to any of the other students, and watching me work. I was so nervous then, and felt uncomfortable. After I finished the question, he asked me this: 'Can I watch you work' WHAT WAS I? SOME MUSEUM SPECIMEN?

I said no, and he moved on to other students.

I told my friend about this today, and she agrees with me that Mr. C might be a pedophile. What do you think?

Mr. C is a pedophile
75 %
Mr. C is NOT a pedophile
25 %
12 votes · Final results

Comments (24)

honestly, i personally believe that 'mr C' came to sit next to you because he felt that you had a hard time socializing with others. He never knew that you enjoyed working alone in math class. Not everybody has a wise idea of words to speak, im sure he meant 'Hey, can i sit next to you and be a fill in friend?' Everyone feels uncomfortable from time to time with elders. Im sure it mustve felt a little scary, and im proud of you for overcoming that. If you want 'Mr C' to stay away, simply sit with your friends and have a nice chat until he gets the hint, alright?


honestly, i personally believe that 'mr C' came to sit next to you because he felt that you had a hard time socializing with others. He never knew that you enjoyed working alone in math class. Not everybody has a wise idea of words to speak, im sure he meant 'Hey, can i sit next to you and be a fill in friend?' Everyone feels uncomfortable from time to time with elders. Im sure it mustve felt a little scary, and im proud of you for overcoming that. If you want 'Mr C' to stay away, simply sit with your friends and have a nice chat until he gets the hint, alright?

I thought of that too. It's possible that he thought that you might be a bit introverted and, as Apple said, that you might have difficulty interacting with others.








There is a chance he could be, but I don't think so. Normally they always act on things as quick as they can, and have a past. They always seem more off and twitcy. I think maybe he was trying to interact with you because you where alone, he could've taken you being alone the wrong way and tried to let you have someone to speak too. After that he could've just been interested in the way you worked. Also, if he was a pedo he would've tried to convince you to let him stay.

Seems to me that he is just really fascinated in your cultural differences, or what apple said. Plus, if he was a pedophile he would probably just watch all the kids without them knowing, instead of just flat out asking one to watch them. And of course, it is kind of his job to make sure you’re doing the work right so it seems totally fine for him to watch you work.

Lovely Perv

Seems to me that he is just really fascinated in your cultural differences, or what apple said. Plus, if he was a pedophile he would probably just watch all the kids without them knowing, instead of just flat out asking one to watch them. And of course, it is kind of his job to make sure you’re doing the work right so it seems totally fine for him to watch you work.

um the teachers usually walk around and supervise students not js sit next to one and stare at them working


honestly, i personally believe that 'mr C' came to sit next to you because he felt that you had a hard time socializing with others. He never knew that you enjoyed working alone in math class. Not everybody has a wise idea of words to speak, im sure he meant 'Hey, can i sit next to you and be a fill in friend?' Everyone feels uncomfortable from time to time with elders. Im sure it mustve felt a little scary, and im proud of you for overcoming that. If you want 'Mr C' to stay away, simply sit with your friends and have a nice chat until he gets the hint, alright?

oh and also i will sit with my friends so that he doesnt bother me

It sounds like you had a concerning experience with Mr. C. While I can't definitively determine whether or not he is a pedophile based on the information provided, his behavior does raise some red flags. It's important to trust your instincts and feelings about situations like this.

Here are some steps you might consider taking:

1. Talk to a Trusted Adult: If you feel comfortable, consider discussing your concerns with a trusted adult, such as a parent, guardian, school counselor, or another teacher. They can provide guidance and support on how to address the situation.

2. Document the Behavior: Keep track of any further interactions or behaviors that make you feel uncomfortable. Write down dates, times, and details of what happened. This documentation can be helpful if you need to report the behavior later on.

3. Set Boundaries: If Mr. C continues to make you feel uncomfortable, it's okay to politely but firmly assert your boundaries. For example, you can let him know that you prefer to work independently and would appreciate if he respected your space.

4. Report Concerns: If you believe Mr. C's behavior is inappropriate or crosses boundaries, consider reporting your concerns to a school administrator or authority figure. They can investigate the situation and take appropriate action to ensure your safety and well-being, as well as that of other students. Remember, it's essential to prioritize your safety and well-being in any situation that makes you feel uncomfortable. Trust your instincts and don't hesitate to seek help if you need it.


oh and also i will sit with my friends so that he doesnt bother me



El go away



El go away



It sounds like you had a concerning experience with Mr. C. While I can't definitively determine whether or not he is a pedophile based on the information provided, his behavior does raise some red flags. It's important to trust your instincts and feelings about situations like this.

Here are some steps you might consider taking:

1. Talk to a Trusted Adult: If you feel comfortable, consider discussing your concerns with a trusted adult, such as a parent, guardian, school counselor, or another teacher. They can provide guidance and support on how to address the situation.

2. Document the Behavior: Keep track of any further interactions or behaviors that make you feel uncomfortable. Write down dates, times, and details of what happened. This documentation can be helpful if you need to report the behavior later on.

3. Set Boundaries: If Mr. C continues to make you feel uncomfortable, it's okay to politely but firmly assert your boundaries. For example, you can let him know that you prefer to work independently and would appreciate if he respected your space.

4. Report Concerns: If you believe Mr. C's behavior is inappropriate or crosses boundaries, consider reporting your concerns to a school administrator or authority figure. They can investigate the situation and take appropriate action to ensure your safety and well-being, as well as that of other students. Remember, it's essential to prioritize your safety and well-being in any situation that makes you feel uncomfortable. Trust your instincts and don't hesitate to seek help if you need it.

yesh i need to secretly voice record on my laptop

if i tell my real math teacher he will be like 'thats some bullcrap mr c isnt'

Yep, I ain’t reading all that shit.