

Comments (946)

its lunchtime noww

Comment deleted by ˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗
Comment deleted by ˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

Hey the Halloween dance thing is the 30th

You wanna go with me ^^

Comment deleted by ˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

is it free?

I dont think so, wasent last year

Yeah, why charge 5 dollars for it

I was gone for 5 mintues and y’all blue up the chat

I love fucking kids bro

Wait isn’t Seth ur mom?

Put the joestar star on my left shoulder blade

Like ima break the skin and then use a shirpie to re-write it then let skin grow over it so its there


I don't even deny it lmao

All it did was make me bricked

Comment deleted by ˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

Choke me like on your French Girls…

Comment deleted by ˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗
Comment deleted by fleperd

Wrong place wrong time, may

🎶MEN: We’re horny 24/7 🎶

Most men have probably looked at something and thought "how would it feel if my dick was inside that"

Imagine Dragons……sucking each other off and fu-


🎶MEN: We’re horny 24/7 🎶

Your all extremely weird

˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗


when is he not


Most men have probably looked at something and thought "how would it feel if my dick was inside that"

fletcher knows whats up tho


It IS up


Comment deleted by MayWantsACoolName
˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗


hey you're the one who said it

Balls in holes, ruh roh Raggy

Ayo oni-chan pull up

Angel bout to get railed

˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

IM 12

I'm 13

Not to big of a age gap


i'm officially ending this conversation please move on

Kids lose their innocence so early

Comment deleted by Jake ツ

How are you supposed to be thinking abt sex when you only smooched me once

damn bro pulled another one off today

I won't kiss you until you kiss me

k imma go speak spanish

no more underaged sex por favor

Comment deleted by MayWantsACoolName

I do too, I’m in Spanish rn

¿Donde esta biblioteca?

This cheddar popcorn hits

Hits harder than you angel

Comment deleted by Jake ツ

If you memorize enough books and tell them to others who request it does it make you a library

k now im actually gonna do spanish

I mock my people so ind

*beats him with metal pole*

Check your windows

Comment deleted by ˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

Make sure they're locked

That’s my gold fish’s address!!

˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

Come get me mf


Over summer I'll walk to yo house

I'll walk a whole 11 miles to see you

Creepy or kinky…hMmMm

For sure you aren't kinky

Comment deleted by ˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

Sub sometimes Dom other times

˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

Imagine playing trombone




I perfer flute even though ehen i have to play infront of the class so much anixiety gets to me and i fuck everything up





I feel the sudden urge to regurgitate my lunch

Do you think jr or Liam could pass as an e-girl

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Is it gay to think femboys are cute

Yo this guy is a savage

I can dox this mf if I wanted💀

Post my face, nudes, and address rn

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Your life is nothing, you serve ZERO purpose

Seth racist confirm

You should kill yourself... NOW!


Seth racist confirm


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Equally so its not to bad

I don’t believe in human rights


I don't care what Obama Bin Laden thinks

Ok that was a good one

I once visited Detroit and it was like watching an episode of "Life After People"

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Chxl you are trapped in here with me

U see fleperd was bluffing he can't even doxx me.

Comment deleted by ˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗
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Thus he can't doxx me he can only talk shit about me

Comment deleted by ˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

you are all so bad at lying it's sad

so now what do you think you can do with that

I'm okay with you posting my phone number so I can cuss these WJE members out

I will bully these pussies to death

go ahead and doxx me like you said

otherwise I'll think you're a lying pussy

Jr made your snap nickname short moron

(you are, but I want to get a laugh at you trying and failing to prove yself*

what the hell are you talking about

speak english you fucking idiot

Hit a fucking growth spurt you stupid fag

I'm taller than when you last saw me

Your tall enough to suck slender man's dick without bending over

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He'll ban me but at least he'll also ban you

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˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

But jake?

Jake is just an AI chatbot

and imma put you through hell

˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

Yea your fucking special.

My mom says I'm special. Who's Ed, though?

angel hey maybe just leave

Because you feed me American food

lmk when and he'll get the boot

Eating American food is basically like eating shit off the streets

remember our conversation

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the fuck are you gonna do about it

you're so fucking pathetic man lmao

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I'm not the one modding this website

pay no attention to retardus maximus over here

Comment deleted by ˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

not if I do it to him first

I will make this bitch eat himself alive

Comment deleted by ˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

just ignore the shit he says

and forget about the 15th

you ain't doing shit till halloween is over

candy makes everything better

Comment deleted by ˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

the world needs people like you Anger

Comment deleted by ✨Jassy✨
Comment deleted by Jake ツ

You're worth a neverending amount of ton, angel

even if it's just to me

and obviously fletcher

look idk if you're religious or not but right off the bat imma say you're worth everything in God's eyes

and to me, you mean so much

you're funny, cool, an incredibly kind person, and even through all your struggles you manage to be there for others

even when things are tough you're willing to be an amazing person to everyone else

Comment deleted by ˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

then let that bitch choke and drown on his fucking addictions

Comment deleted by ˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

when he's such a fucking menace

see this is why you're so awesome angel

because you're willing to be so amazing to other people even when they're like this

not even I have that ability

and seeing that in you is absolutely awesome

Comment deleted by ˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

there's a reason you're here

Comment deleted by ˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

a reason you're STILL here

that's something I struggled with for so long

it's good to look out for other people, but when it's degrading you and you're neglecting yourself, you need to rethink what's going on

it's okay to take time for yourself

even if it seems selfish

believe me, I know how much of a struggle that can be

you don't know that though

and chances are, slightly changing things won't do that

do what it takes to save yourself

because if you don't do that, how can you save others?

don't be afraid to express

don't hold everything inside

if you're open and honest with people they won't be shocked or scared when you suddenly spring it on them

because they'll already know

˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

I plan to keep it that way though..

thts not healthy

Angel, I want you to listen VERY CLOSELY to me. I want you to start doing two things, and I promise they will help.

First off, you need to be more open about your problems. Holding them all inside does nothing but make them worse. Don't shove them deep down and put on a mask. That was one of the worst mistakes I made at your age, and I STILL struggle with it.

Second, start taking time to care for yourself! It's okay to do things for other people, you have a very kind heart and it's incredibly admirable, but don't devote yourself to people to the point where it is negatively affecting you. You need to do what's best for you right now.

Please don't argue with me about this. I am telling you from my own experience becaus ei don't want anyone to go through what I did. I see too much of me in you, and I want to prevent you from being as miserable as I once was.

Jake ツ

Angel, I want you to listen VERY CLOSELY to me. I want you to start doing two things, and I promise they will help.

First off, you need to be more open about your problems. Holding them all inside does nothing but make them worse. Don't shove them deep down and put on a mask. That was one of the worst mistakes I made at your age, and I STILL struggle with it.

Second, start taking time to care for yourself! It's okay to do things for other people, you have a very kind heart and it's incredibly admirable, but don't devote yourself to people to the point where it is negatively affecting you. You need to do what's best for you right now.

Please don't argue with me about this. I am telling you from my own experience becaus ei don't want anyone to go through what I did. I see too much of me in you, and I want to prevent you from being as miserable as I once was.

mans got a point there charlie

˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

Im fine dw ^^

u sure?

Jake ツ

Angel, I want you to listen VERY CLOSELY to me. I want you to start doing two things, and I promise they will help.

First off, you need to be more open about your problems. Holding them all inside does nothing but make them worse. Don't shove them deep down and put on a mask. That was one of the worst mistakes I made at your age, and I STILL struggle with it.

Second, start taking time to care for yourself! It's okay to do things for other people, you have a very kind heart and it's incredibly admirable, but don't devote yourself to people to the point where it is negatively affecting you. You need to do what's best for you right now.

Please don't argue with me about this. I am telling you from my own experience becaus ei don't want anyone to go through what I did. I see too much of me in you, and I want to prevent you from being as miserable as I once was.

Ill try..

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˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

Ill try..

Do or do not, there is no try

Jake ツ

Do or do not, there is no try


Jake just wants to get his microdick wet



Jake trying to stop me from being miserable is cringe..? You need to touch grass-

Too bad nobody will ever go near his disheveled looking ass


Jake just wants to get his microdick wet

you misspelled macro

˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

Jake trying to stop me from being miserable is cringe..? You need to touch grass-

Yes everyone should be miserable like me

it's the same fucker as before


Yes everyone should be miserable like me

Wdym? Feeling that way isnt good, everyone desrves to be happy ^^

seth please be receptive

why don't you stop banning people u dont like and let people say whatever the fuck they want

as it should be because this is an adult website and america is a country of FREE SPEECH

ℑ𝔪 𝔚𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔖𝔱𝔲𝔭𝔦𝔡

just seth???

It's sethmily now

is this the same fucker who was going on about political corruption and how the CIA was gonna assassinate him for knowing too much

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˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗


Seth from school?


Seth from school?

It's MA'AM.

Jake ツ

is this the same fucker who was going on about political corruption and how the CIA was gonna assassinate him for knowing too much

nope that's you because you're schizo

holy shit I think it is

˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗


I have him in too many classesssssssssssssss

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Jake ツ

ok jassy real quick

ok so what if there is this new kid at your school and they start talikng with you and then your bf comes up to him and punches him in the stomach and does the manuver to put him to sleep and you are mad at him but you want to forgive him but your also pissed off for him punching some who didnt do anything what would you do


ok so what if there is this new kid at your school and they start talikng with you and then your bf comes up to him and punches him in the stomach and does the manuver to put him to sleep and you are mad at him but you want to forgive him but your also pissed off for him punching some who didnt do anything what would you do

Jassy I'm not your relationship counselor, tell your boyfriend to chill the fuck out

Angel if this gets too out of hand just make a post, leave, and one of us mods will get him banned

Jake ツ

Jassy I'm not your relationship counselor, tell your boyfriend to chill the fuck out

ik but you give good advice and i wanted your opioin on it

A white man named Mordecai Goldberg told me that I'm a real woman


ok so what if there is this new kid at your school and they start talikng with you and then your bf comes up to him and punches him in the stomach and does the manuver to put him to sleep and you are mad at him but you want to forgive him but your also pissed off for him punching some who didnt do anything what would you do

poor bro 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀


The scientists told me so

Dude what's your 4th hour? This is the only thing I'm asking you.


ik but you give good advice and i wanted your opioin on it

I'll give you more in depth stuff later, I gotta go

Jake ツ

I'll give you more in depth stuff later, I gotta go

kk bye jake

I'm a strong and independent transwoman and you must respect me


I'm a strong and independent transwoman and you must respect me

oh lord help this man

I have no respect for you but others might

try not to get banned while I'm gone

It took a lot of strength for me to cut my balls and penis off

I am very brave for doing that


It took a lot of strength for me to cut my balls and penis off

you are a fucking man you were born with a dick and your dumbass said oh im trans oh let me wear girly clothes so stop being retarded and get yourself together


you are a fucking man you were born with a dick and your dumbass said oh im trans oh let me wear girly clothes so stop being retarded and get yourself together


my friends on reddit said so

Comment deleted by ˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗
˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

Im not your prisonor

"prisonor" lol

˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

Jas, js ignore the fucked up shit people say.. No drama please

ok i will but in a min bc i need to put this MAN in HIS place

you are a fucking man stop being retarded thats all i wanted to say

People on reddit said I was a woman and they gave me 16K FUCKING UPDOOTS! Im a real woman

You should also respect me because im a heckin holocaust survivor

My great grandpa moonwalked out of the heckin evil nazi camps

Comment deleted by ℑ𝔪 𝔚𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔖𝔱𝔲𝔭𝔦𝔡

You should also respect me because im a heckin holocaust survivor

nobody has to respect your retarded ass

Comment deleted by ℑ𝔪 𝔚𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔖𝔱𝔲𝔭𝔦𝔡
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Trans rights are human righ- *ACK* (the noose broke)






Shut up your an absolute retard

hes finna call him all types of shit

*And so Sethmily joined the 41% like the rest of the trannies. And everyone lived happily ever after. The end.*

˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

Mia can u do my hw fa me?

What class?

˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

*then angel shot sethmilly 7 times in the head*

thats outrageous

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˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗


Who's the teacher?

i told the dumbass retard that he is a man and not a woman

Charlie who's the teacher???

˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗


Oh hell no! Dude scares me. He's loud asf!

˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗


What's the assignment?

Comment deleted by ˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

Okay I need to get access from you

Comment deleted by ˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

Go look him up and read about his awesome work

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That assignment looks really confusing so I'm not doing it. Pay Roman to do it.


Jake why would you ban that person? he's just speaking the truth about trannies. I thought transgenderism was good?

That was Ethan being based

What’s the assignment

Comment deleted by ˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

"To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize"

I gtg because of my sisters basketball game.

I did a couple but I’d need to research the rest

Lmk if it shows up on your doc

Can’t remember all 8 features or the civilizations in certain areas

Do you have like resources the teacher gave you to use

I.e articles, notes, etc.

Nvm can’t use it cause I need to sign in

Can you like screenshot the pages you need for it

*kicks him* hehhehehehhhehehehehehehehehehhehehe

But stalkers aren’t gonna be able to see your login info?

yall these dumbass kids on my bus get on my nerves

Comment deleted by ˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗
Comment deleted by ˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

Nah neither is working

so i slapped the one that knew if i did that then the rest of the would respect me so i did the tiypical latina thing and i started hitting ppl with my purse

Wait did you forget the t

Just read the textbooks

Jake ツ

Alr well good luck

jake do u work tn?


jake do u work tn?


Jake ツ


have you rizzed up any girls yet?

damn you need to step up your game my boi

so jakobe said that when we are old enough he said that he wants me to marry him


so jakobe said that when we are old enough he said that he wants me to marry him


˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗


yeah i was like ok sounds good to me

oop i killed him using a knife and a gun

ok and idk i just felt like killing him

ok so first i caught him and held him hostage

i slit it open and then i shot him in the head with my gun

Make sure my graves right next to yours <3

oop ok i gtg ill be on later byeeee

oop girly pop my parents say as long as i have abc they dont care if it is a d then they will tell me to study more and if it is an f ima get yelled at

girl they f and nobody cares if your feelings are hurt

and do u think jakobe is a good looking person for me?

yeah but my mans so fine like ahhhh

Comment deleted by ✨Jassy✨

girl he was sitting in that manly postion

you know how girl sit with their legs close and men sit with them open i just makes my day whenever i see that

yeah there is just smt abt that postion that im like AHHHHHHHH

He didnt let me grab his hand today cause i like took my nails and clawed into his arm for saying the book i choose looked boring

bc i have belt testing today and im scared that ima fail

thxs ok i gtg i will be back in abt 45 mins