

Comments (295)

whatever helps ya sleep at night

Comment deleted by ˗ˏ π‘€π’Άπ“Ž ➴ ΛŠΛ—

lonely dont, its a groomer acc

Comment deleted by ˗ˏ π‘€π’Άπ“Ž ➴ ΛŠΛ—

so just ignore the anon

its a groomer acc

shut the fuck up you dumb peice of shit anon, your prob like 38 years old and fuck little girls for a living, your a pedophile and are a nsty little fuck

i am the protecter of this iste

i didnt do shit to anyone and plus any of us on this site can be lying about anything

so before u talk and call someone out get to know them before u call them names

so im kinda just doodling now/

we just had a test on proportianality and functions and jazz

i hate this class and 75% of the ppl in it

i have theatre last period and its my fav subject

ask to use the bathroom and take a 5 min nap if ur teacher askes where you were just say you werent feeling good or something. Also theater sounds fun.

Comment deleted by β„‘π”ͺ π”šπ”¦π”±π”₯ 𝔖𝔱𝔲𝔭𝔦𝔑
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Comment deleted by ˗ˏ π‘€π’Άπ“Ž ➴ ΛŠΛ—

should i tell my friend i have koolophobia

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Comment deleted by ˗ˏ π‘€π’Άπ“Ž ➴ ΛŠΛ—
Comment deleted by ˗ˏ π‘€π’Άπ“Ž ➴ ΛŠΛ—

i heard ladies like bad guys

luckily im bad at everything

also y ur screen so bright

rip loony tunes u raised me when my parents didnt want to

sorry im in school

u wanna know who i have a crush on

this guy named mekhi in my classes

yeah, but hes black.

hi i also have a crush he is so sexy i love him we are even together

my crush knows i like him, and he lies me and another girl too, but i think hes dating the other girl


mekhi is here. he asked out the other girl, and i think theyre dating but he still likes me im confused and anrgy and sad

lol stupid reading this i think she likes you