

Comments (70)

Sounds like a you problem then?


I was just joking

Anybody who thinks is my friend, think again. We are all strangers on a jokes website. I don't trust anybody or consider them my friend or even an ally.

Because I am a nice person after all

I come here to read funny jokes, not to be involved in drama. So please, go back to doing something healthy, like reading a book or going outside. I, for one, am doing my French assignment.

Your home school but your gonna be going to a public school soon right?

so your staying homeschool for the rest of ur life

Idk. But I'm not going to public school. If I go back to physical school, it'll be private school.

I wish I was homeschool :(

no its okay you can tell me if you want

nobody life is problems are borning

its fine i'm on here A LOT

Do you think I am a mean person?

Dagger do u wanna talk to me?

jeez first sad sarah, then hhatred, hello, and now dagger.

Jake, I've missed seeing the most OG person on this website.

You have no idea how much we need and miss you.

it really does suck lol