

This site used to be OG. Until every good person left and were replaced by shitty lowlives. I miss Jake, Hailey, Caitlyn, Cacey, Entity, rmk, Sad Sara, and Addy. Oh, how the great have fallen. πŸ˜” Now it’s just depressed people with no lives who come here to cause useless drama about their boyfriend or girlfriend and about their personal problems. I’m telling you now, NOBODY GIVES A SHIT. I come here to have a good time laughing at funny jokes and chatting with sane people not counselling. So please, either leave or stop shoving your miserable life down our throats.

Comments (21)


I followed you


Comment deleted by emo

ong dagger preach bro

Ich can say Entity, that he must come to


Hey man, sorry I haven’t been on lately. Times got rough for a bit and I got preoccupied.

it's ok. I understand.