

Comments (31)

Yeah but we get those weird nipple lumps in early puberty and they hurt like hell

i can change that if you want me too

No thanks, I’m good with the painful nipples

After all, they don’t last too long.

alr ill keep it

Do you have to fucking bleed for a week every month? No.

Yeah that must be really stupid to have to deal with, sucks that it has to happen. Weird how the human body works that way

Just randomly remembered the time the other Hailey (I’m just gonna say Haylee whenever I bring her up) was outside with me β€œhelping” film something for our video class when she went into the bathroom and came back out laughing and started talking about how she got a tampon, wet it in the sink, and then threw it at someone in their. Wtf was wrong with the 7th graders at my school lmao


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Guys have plenty of problems that you wouldn't understand because this retarded society keeps telling you that women are superior and you are more oppressed. Women aren't superior to men, and vice versa. I don't want to get into an argument, but it's extremely annoying when women start blubbering about their "many" problems and they say men don't have problems. We have A LOT.

By Nature, men don't blabber. And by nature, girls like to blah blah blah all day. Its just how we work πŸ˜…

i would like to point out, women can be superior if they try to be, or vice versa. just because men have evolved to be the protector and hunter does not mean that a woman cant be as strong as a man. both woman and men have different problems, and its no ones choice to decide witch are worse. men usually like to bottle up emotions, but women are more loose and generally have less trauma built up, its just healthier. everyone has the choice to be an others equal.