

Hello everyone, I'm Liliane.I'm on the same page but it's in German and not in English wanted to stop by and leave. Have fun on the site and have a wonderful day

Comments (28)

Lili and Spinni, your Profile pictures are matching your real PBs

Yes Enit, but yours too...

And i named myself "Entity" because thats english for Entität

You could call yourself Spidey or Spidergirl

But i think that Name ist better

Do you have a Probleme with it?

Everything is finde \( ̄︶ ̄*\))

Herzlich willkommen! Leider bin ich kurz davor, Dagger zu danken. Viel Spab auf dieser Website, machen Sie keine bosen Kommentare oder sagen Sie irgendwelche bosen Comebacks und alles wird gut. 😊❤

Your second sentence says: "Unfortunately, I'm close to thanking Dagger"

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Hi lil