

Can you find the password hidden in this poem? Only the first five to answer correctly will go through to my next challenge (officially) others can still participate but not count in the final draw to find who's the riddler amongst us...

Sir, I bear a rhyme excelling In mystic force and magic spelling Celestial sprites elucidate All my own striving cant relate

Comments (11)

The only thing I can think of is the number of letters in each word in order of the words. 314159265358979323846. If so that's a long password.

Or is it how many vowels in each word in order of the words. 11211311212242511213. I'm not including semi vowels

yes! also known as... (ur first guess)

For real life? Nice. This was a tricky one. Can't wait to see more riddles.


Pi (digits given by length of words)

4/5 participants needed are here with the right answer the deadline is Friday so it might only be the four of u. Good job too guysπŸ‘ I don't know if I can come up with a riddle that is hard for u lot now u know🀯

Yea we have all five! Onto round 2, first four to answer by Saturday get through to round three

the password is password